Episode 1 – “A Time Of Transition” with Dr. Lee Denney

How do you lead in a time of transition?

CareerTech’s Interim State Director Dr. Lee Denney sat down with Russell Ray to tell us about her unique role at the agency.

She also shares her thoughts about the CareerTech student organizations and the many ways the system delivers on its promises to students and businesses across the state.

You can view the video version of this conversation here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIRLsErd3e8


CareerTech Horizion 1-2: “It Takes A Community”

What is your greatest accomplishment? Did you do it alone, or did you get help from your friends, family, or people in your community?

In this episode of CareerTech Horizon, we take a deep dive into Adult Basic Education, and share the stories of Oklahomans who turned their lives around, thanks to the right people helping, supporting, and advocating for them.

  • A mother, stressed from working dead-end jobs, who decided to go back to school, just as her child started her first day of school.
  • An adult-learning organization in Ardmore, expanding their reach in a short time, thanks to their enthusiastic staff, and the cereal boxes that immortalize their success stories.
  • How education plays an integral role in state inmates’ re-entry into society.

You can follow us on Twitter @CT_Horizon, or look for us on Facebook.

You can also visit our website, cthorizon.org for show notes, and soon, bonus content, “Beyond Your Horizon.”

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CTH PROLOGUE 1-2 Explaining “It Takes A Community”

To do something incredible, groundbreaking, or phenomenal, often times you’ll need more than just yourself.

Host and Producer Blane Singletary explains the theme for our upcoming episode on Adult Basic Education in Oklahoma, coming very soon to Apple, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google, and more. Subscribe today so you don’t miss it.

CTH TRAILER 1-2: “It Takes A Community”

Sometimes, the gap between having a dead-end job, just getting by, and having a job you love and thriving, can be bridged with three little letters: G E D.

But getting people to cross that gap, to get the right amount of confidence, to plan their future, to step out of their comfort zone, takes a whole lot more.

Next time on CareerTech Horizon, join us as we share the stories of people vying for success, and the people they couldn’t do it without.